Friday, September 3, 2010

Are you people for real??

So......It has been over a year since I have done this whole bloggin thing!!! I LOVE to look at other ppl sbut it makes my life seem so boring and makes me feel like horrible mother!! I dont have professional pics to update every week or cant say all the wonderful things me and the boys did in the last few days!!! Are these people for real? Ill be honest my house 99% of the time is a complete DISASTER!!!! I dont make all these wonderful good fancy lookin treats. Come on people life isnt that perfect!!! I just once want to read a blog about how your kids were little farts that day and they drove ya NUTTY and were ready to give them to the next person to knock on the door!! I wanna see the pics of your laundry room with mounds of clothes cause you just didnt want to do laundry the last couple of days!! Let me know you didnt make dinner cause you just dint want to!! PLEASE people let me know that there are others out there that are not perfect!!!


Lindsay Phenes said...

LOL!! Char, you make me laugh, seriously! Ya wanna know tonight's menu? Grilled Cheese. Last night's? Papa Murphy's. And I'm patting myself on the back for having even prepared a meal vs. waiting til 8 pm and deciding it's a cereal night. My laundry was almost caught up til I lost my mojo to do it. House is only clean because the hubby helps me tons. Let me rephrase that. The bathrooms are filthy, crumbs all over the kitchen, carpet needs vacuuming, everything's covered in 1" of dust. But the clutter is at bay this week. Oh yes, the lawn needs mowing. AND my kid is far from perfect...most nights I beg her to sleep so I don't completely lose it with her and put her in a permanent time-out. Praise the heavens for nap time!
So yes dear Charli, I'm real. LOL real crazy! LOL :)

Kayla Merritt said...

Oh my heck Charli I didn't know you were blogging!! How dang funny your posts are! You crack me right up! I definately needed to here you ramble. It made my whole last couple weeks! Anyway just wanted to tell you that I love you and I THINK YOU ARE AN AMAZING WIFE AND MOTHER and I look up to as if you were my own! Don't forget that. :)